Intelligent Metrology Systems

Our laboratory has a well-established history of success in the development and implementation of cutting-edge sensing and monitoring systems across various industries. Our expertise spans semiconductor manufacturing processes, CNC machining, roll-to-roll manufacturing, injection molding, rotating machinery, wind turbines, ICU patient monitoring, and more. Our research team maintains close collaborations with industry leaders across diverse sectors, and we anticipate expanding our partnerships with additional industry stakeholders. Our commitment lies in bridging the gap between fundamental scientific advancements and practical, real-world applications.

Two Focused Areas

Our team is devoted to pushing the boundaries of innovation in smart manufacturing and biomedical applications through the utilization of advanced sensing and monitoring technologies, coupled with state-of-the-art data science and machine learning algorithms. Below are examples of applications from our past and ongoing research projects.

Four Research Thrusts - HIVE Metrology

HIVE (Hybrid, In-Situ, Virtual and Efficient) Metrology are the four research thrust that enables the future generation of metrology systems with enhanced intelligence and autonomy. Please see the follow picture for more information about our definition of future HIVE Metrology.

Six Underpinning Technologies

Our lab operates as a focal point for innovation, bringing together industrial and academic partners with diverse expertise to propel the advancement of technology. Presented below is a demonstration of the underpinning technology that we are committed to advancing collaboratively with our stakeholders and research partners.